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Maps for Turn-of-the-Century Toughs

This page is part of the resources for Turn-of-the-Century Toughs, a cycle of alternate history series about adults and youths on the margins of society, and the people who love them. Set in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the novels and stories take place in an alternative version of America that was settled by inhabitants of the Old World in ancient times. As a result, the New World retains certain classical and medieval customs.


General map:

Maps of Yclau:

Maps of Mip:

Maps of Vovim:

Maps of the Dozen Landsteads:

The Midcoast nations

Map for Turn-of-the-Century Toughs.

Map of the Midcoast nations

Larger version of the Midcoast nations map (277 KB).

Capital City of the Queendom of Yclau (Luray / Yclau City)

Map for The Eternal Dungeon.

Map of the Capital City of the Queendom of Yclau, showing the cave where the Eternal Dungeon is housed.

Capital City of the Magisterial Republic of Mip (Frederick / Mip City)

Map for Life Prison.

Map of Mip City, showing Mercy Life Prison

Larger version of the Mip City map (1.32 MB).

Central and western Mip

Map for Far Enough Away (Waterman).

Map of central and western Mip

Larger version of the central and western Mip map (1.58 MB).

Fort Frederick (Compassion Life Prison) and surrounding countryside

Map for Life Prison.

Map of Fort Frederick (Compassion Life Prison) and countryside

Larger version of the Compassion Prison map (283 KB).

Capital City of the Kingdom of Vovim (Pittsburgh / Vovim City)

Map for Michael's House.
Map of the Capital City of the Kingdom of Vovim

Larger version of the Vovimian capital map (1.45 MB).

Western and Eastern Shores of the Bay in the Dozen Landsteads

Map for Waterman.

Map of the Bay in the Dozen Landsteads

Solomons Island in the Second Landstead

Map for Waterman.

Map of Solomons Island in the Second Landstead

Larger version of the Solomons Island map (1.61 MB).

House of Transformation in the Second Landstead

Map for Survival School (Waterman).

Map of the House of Transformation in the Second Landstead

Larger version of the House of Transformation map (971 KB).

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